Vaduz Castle Jigsaw Puzzle

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This castle in the tiny European country of Lichtenstein sits on a high hilltop that has an area of only 39 by 43 feet. The subject of this free jigsaw puzzle was built in the 12th century and has overlooked the town over Vaduz ever since.


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Jun 29, 2022
Going today to get house insurance. Finally got the 2 things fixed that the inspector said. This has not been a good month because of all the things I had to do and it wasn't only insurance. Looking forward to a good July! I deserve it. Maybe I should go live in this castle--No, I would just love to go see it.
Hope you have a good day and mine turns out fine for me.
Jun 30, 2022
Hoping for you to have a successful day today and a good tomorrow with a wonderful July.
Oct 11, 2022
I've seen a few castles & all I could think of was how cold they would be in the winter, I'd rather live in a warm cabin than a castle even with all the glitter
Jul 11, 2022
As I was doing this the clouds were hard to do. They were different. I enlarged it as I always do at the end and just sat there with my mouth open. What I thought were clouds if you looked at it was grass and trees and a few buildings below a mountain. What a trick they played on me. I wish the puzzle was a little bigger as I do them but I guess that would take the fun out of them. I know I am way behind everyone. I hold a few back and take turns working on others if I get tired of one. There is a room I am working on that has 192 Classic. I guess there are a lot of furniture and things spread out in rooms instead of a blue sky and green trees so it will be showing up soon. They are usually colorful and I don't like all the brown but I am going to give it a try. Did any one else think those were clouds or I just need to get to the eye doctor soon. I really do because I have to lean forward to see some puzzles better. It has been about five years since I went and I hope I see a huge difference.
Oct 11, 2022
I think it is a distant mountain, not clouds.
Oct 11, 2022
Looks like Germany
Sep 28, 2022
Oh my..I would give anything to be able to see that castle in person. Just beautiful!!!!
Jun 29, 2022
Evidently built for someone who "I vant to be alone! "
Jun 30, 2022
Castles were built on hills for ease of protection. You would have a 360 degree view and no one could sneak up on you. Or, if they "vanted" to be alone.
Jun 30, 2022
A castle would be TOO LONELY for ME.
Jun 29, 2022
Beautiful castle. I really enjoy photos from all different countries. I know I'll never ever get to see them in person and yet I get to see them through the beautiful jigsaw puzzles you post.
Thank you again for doing a great job. AAAA
Jun 29, 2022
Beautiful European castle sitting on a mountain top. Wonderful scenery all the way around.