Western Australia Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free jigsaw puzzle to play online for adults of Western Australia. Pindan, the reddish soil, meets the coastline.


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Aug 28, 2017
I never would have guessed this as a part of Western Australia! It's breathtaking! Thanks for another great puzzle!
Dec 22, 2017
I just realized this last post could be misinterpreted. I didn't mean that I thought Western Australia would not have this kind of beauty. What I meant was that I had another site in mind and was surprised that it was WA instead of the place I thought it was. I apologize if I offended anyone.
Aug 21, 2016
What a beautiful picture! Wish I had the stamina to go there. Getting too old for much travel--just a little bit once in a while.
Aug 6, 2016
This is the closest I will get to Western Australia. Thank you!
Mar 29, 2016
We have clay here also.
Mar 29, 2016
At least that's what you claym.
Jun 9, 2015
Not a very welcoming area, the lovely colours are certainly a redeeming feature.Who or what would live in this place with little or no water and no shade to rest under
May God give you all the water and shade to keep you from becoming a desert. Stay in His love and rest. Bless you all.
Jun 9, 2015
Lizards, snakes, spiders, ants, beetles, maybe some kind of prairie dog. Just guessing. It has more green than a number of places on nature shows I've watched that have those denizens.
Jun 13, 2015
Most of those are creepy crawlies that I don't care for, especially snakes.
Came across a picture of my oldest daughter when she was 6 with a huge dead snake draped around her neck, and it hung on both sides of her down to the ground, and I told her I saw that picture and thought what a gross little girl that is, and we both laughed. She is the total opposite of me when it comes to creepy things like that.
Jun 13, 2015
I don't like most creepies. Some lizards are cute but I stay away from snakes and spiders...anything that bites. There are probably wild dogs also--what do the Aussies call them-dingos?
Jun 9, 2015
Never been to Western Australia, looks a lot like the Northern Territory with its red soil, bright blue sky and green trees.

Here are a few facts "The state of Western Australia, is Australia's face on the Indian Ocean. Its capital Perth is closer to Singapore and Jakarta than it is to Canberra. The majority of people live in and around Perth.

Western Australia is the largest Australian State. With an area of more than 2 500 000 sq km, a 12 500 km coastline and spanning 2 400km from north to south, it occupies a third of the continent.

Only the narrow Timor Sea separates its northern coastline from equatorial islands of the Indonesian Archipelago and to the south is the Southern Ocean and Antarctica".

"God's children and their happiness are my reasons for being." Red Skelton

"No matter what your heartache may be, laughing helps you forget it for a few seconds." Red Skelton

May God bless each of you in a special way in the next 24 hours. Hugs.
Jun 9, 2015
I loved Red Skelton.
Jun 12, 2015
Yeah, I loved his Heathcliff and Klyde Kadiddle Hopper. Also love Mama"s Family have just found the 5th and 6th entire season.
Jun 10, 2015
Never been to Australia. Would have loved to. No more long trips for me either these days. Day trips are ok.
Jun 9, 2015
I have no desire to go beyond a days drive. Am I old? I am so satisfied.
Jun 9, 2015
You are so blessed. My husband says certain orders of brothers in the Catholic Church take a vow of stability to foster the grace God has freely given to you, Feisty. Unfortunately I have wander lust. I have heard some people say I am a gypsy.
Jun 9, 2015
I as old as dirt
I am satisfied to stay home and never get out of the house
loved the puzzle today
Jun 9, 2015
Pixipixil, oh oh oh! I have wanderlust big time! I lived in a 34-ft. motor home and towed a Saturn for 7 yrs. It was an absolutely fabulous lifestyle. Then, darn it, I had to buy a house, settle down, and have open-heart surgery. My gosh, would I love to travel again to see all of the great places that I missed and meet some more wonderful people. It is a lot of work to live that way for a single woman who is (ha ha) aging "gracefully".
Jun 9, 2015
What part of NC are you in, db? When we go to the mountains I could stay forever. Hubby has to pry me off a tree when we have to come home.
Jun 9, 2015
Starrphyre, did you keep a diary of your travels?
I had thought to do that about my adventures as a plein aire artist. Something interesting usually happens when I'm stationes "out there" doing my "thing." Unfortunately I have yet to set down a single word.
Jun 10, 2015
Very regretfully, Pixi, no I didn't. I wish now that I had of course. Dumb de dum dum, huh?
Jun 10, 2015
Not really. When we are young we think we will live forever and remember everything. We are too busy living to write down the experience. And we also don't realize and therefore miss the value in how unique our lives are. "Our Town" attests to that I think. Have you ever seen it?
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