Wooden Windows Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle online of a wooden window made of small panes. The windows are on a half timbered building in France.


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Aug 30, 2022
Love the wood on this house.
Jul 8, 2022
Very pretty window with the flowers.
Jul 8, 2022
I haven't been on but a couple puzzles. I wrote on July 7th "underorganized kitchen." I haven't read what is going on with everyone. Sounds like several aren't doing to good. Prayers for every. Like I wrote on the 7th. I have had several things that don't feel right. I have several doctor visits and renal ultrasound coming up July 26th. I have been this sleeping a lot!! for a month or two. I even fell asleep when we had company. This I have never had in my life and I don't like it at all. I feel a little better today but nothing has been done yet. I have some pills coming tomorrow. I'll keep praying for you all.
Jul 11, 2022
And we will for you, becky.
Jul 11, 2022
Thank you aknan. I have no energy. I could sit here and fall asleep and have. I have no control. Then this bladder infection has taken over me. I can't wait to get ultra sound. There maybe some other things going on. Let you know as soon as I know. I can't get messages to very many because of our time change I guess.
Jun 20, 2022
I love seeing flowers growing outside of a window. It is just lovely and uplifting for my spirits. Pete goes to see another doctor today....a specialist in infectious diseases. I hope we can get a good report. We are getting a permanent ramp for Pete and that will be built this weekend. We are renting a ramp now and we now know that the company he works for is not one we should have used. Experience is the best teacher. We found out that the ramp they put in was made for luggage....I feel dumb. But now that they are taking it out they are charging us a fee, I guess, for taking it out. I can't wait to find out why when they come to get it out today. Pray that they leave without damaging anything. Blessings to all!
Jun 20, 2022
Prayer that all goes well.
Jun 21, 2022
Prayers that all goes well for you and Pete.
Jun 21, 2022
It went very well with no problems....whew....and I found out why they were charging us more money, you will like this, they had not been collecting the rental money that we agreed to every month. They just now took it out of the bank. What a way to run a business!! But we are over with them and the carpenter comes on Saturday to build a SAFE ramp in our garage. Alls well and ends well. Blessings to all of you and thank you so much for your prayers.
Jun 22, 2022
Glad you have good news.
Jun 22, 2022
Glad things are going better for y'all.
Jun 22, 2022
You know for every inch high you build out a foot. I will check it. I think that is how mine was made. So much easier.
Jun 22, 2022
Our ramp goes almost the length of our house. The house we bought they made the ramp. Let me check with Sam. For me to get up it it has to be long enough to get to the door. Get back to you.
Jun 22, 2022
I do believe we are making a turn for the better. Now if only I am right!! LOL! Have a lovely, peaceful, blessing filled day. I am going to lunch with my 2 sisters. It has been a long time since we did this. I am so looking forward to it.
Jun 23, 2022
Beckydent, the guy who is going to build the ramp said that whoever did the last ramp put it up way too short and way too narrow. And it is one inch for each foot. It is going in our garage because of the inclement weather we always have in northern Illinois! Thanks for your input.
Jun 27, 2022
I hope you have a big garage. If it is in the garage it will half to be a wrap around so you want to make it plenty wide for him to be able to make a few turns and it should end up right at the door. Of course if you are in the garage it won't have to be high. See I had to start at the bottom of our house and make a straight shot to the door which was several feet high so it was along ramp up the front of our house and then wide enough to turn and get it into the house. You have to do your measuring to come up right to the edge of the door. There are all kinds of ramps depending on how your house is made. Sounds like you have the right guy now. Let me know how it turns out.
Jun 27, 2022
Make sure they have a railing around it. I was still in AR waiting to move. Sam was working and would inspect it. He went there and they hadn't put a railing on it. He told them the first time I went out the door and landed on the ground below there would be a law suit. A lot to think about. Praying they know what they are doing. It is just common sense.
Jun 22, 2022
A very interesting puzzle and used 48 squares..
Jun 20, 2022
Jun 20, 2022
Old fashion building with flowers hanging in front of a window outside. Very beautiful.
Jun 20, 2022
Looks like a window with heavy beams around it, plants on the sill and poplars outside.
Jun 20, 2022
Enjoyed working the puzzle.
Pretty flowers on display, but knowing my luck, I'd end up getting
ants or bugs in those flowers and somehow they would manage to get inside to the kitchen. Beautiful to look at, but certainly not for my window sill!
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