Yellow Bell Peppers Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle for adults and kids of yellow bell peppers. The peppers have green stems.


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Mar 4, 2017
I love Bell peppers all kinds of way
Mar 10, 2017
Me too. The orange are my favorites but I like them all. Like Taffi I have IBS but they don't set me off--maybe because I eat them cooked.
Mar 4, 2017
Love peppers; just can't eat the green ones raw.
Mar 4, 2017
I like all of them, usually get the green one, they are cheaper than the red & yellow for some reason at the stores here charge more for them. If I'm taking a relish
plate to take somewhere I usually get all three colors.
Mar 4, 2017
I can't eat them at all. I have IBS and they just cause havoc.
Mar 7, 2017
I have been told that green peppers are actually not ripe. That is why they upset peoples' stomachs. If it takes the grower longer to grow them to the red, orange, or yellow stages, they probably will expect more money per pound. Lately, stores in our area of upstate NY have been running sales of $.99 to $1.49 per pound. They freeze well when halved and seeded, so we get several pounds when the price is right.
Mar 8, 2017
You are correct, when we grew than in our garden it takes much longer to get to the read stage. The green ones seem to bother us so I get them most of the time.
I also have frozen them when we used or veg. garden, but we have not had it for a few years now, getting to hard to keep it up as we get older...the grocery is just fine with us.
Mar 8, 2017
Note: than should be "them" & read should be "red" guess I'm not fully awake this morning.
Also the green ones "don't". Maybe I should go back to bed & try again later.
Mar 4, 2017
I prefer the GREEN ones.
Mar 4, 2017
Been awhile since I done one. suree feels good to be back
Mar 4, 2017
Not my favorite. Loved the puzzle.
Mar 4, 2017
I have several of these in frig not wait for me to get busy and make some soup.
Mar 4, 2017
Now this I can eat raw, especially the red ones.

"We can remain in a state of love when we recognize that everyone is doing the best they can to get their needs met." ~ Eckhart Tolle

As Marshall B. Rosenberg said, "What I want in my life is compassion, a flow between myself and others based on a mutual giving from the heart."

Take care and God bless. Hugs.